I dine at Tinga on at least a monthly (sometimes weekly!) basis - it's my favorite taco spot in the city thus far, and I consistently find it hard to beat. Chef Jerry Baker is wonderfully imaginative in his conception and execution of his dishes, and every plate he delivers is delicious culinary art. My staple is the Cochinita Pibil taco, which shows the most impeccable attention to detail and care in its preparation -- the pork is long braised while wrapped in a banana leaf and marinated with bitter and sweet orange, rubbed with achiote, grilled on a plancha, and adorned with pickled onions and habanero salsa that will set your mouth beautifully on fire (the wait staff has actually taken to asking customers if they'd like the salsa on the side -- but I go all in, every time!). The homemade tortilla chips are just perfectly salty, and are brilliant when paired with the Elote Especial -- a magical concoction of grilled sweet corn, cream, lime, chili, and poblano puree. I often pair these incredible dishes with an Old Chub, one of the restaurant's featured craft beers (a caramel-colored scotch ale), topping off what is always, reliably, an amazing meal.
Shirt: Burger & Friends Bone Jour Tank
Bag: Kate Spade Call to Action "Tequila Is Not My Friend" Terry Tote
Glasses: Bonlook Belgo Black
Lips: Melt Cosmetics Belladonna2
Cochinita Pibil taco with long braised banana-leaf wrapped pork marinated with bitter and sweet orange, rubbed with achiote, grilled on a plancha, and adorned with pickled onions and habanero salsa