Sweet Rose Creamery
Having once walked 4 miles round trip from my office with a co-worker to Sweet Rose Creamery's Brentwood location, I was ecstatic when I heard they were opening a Mid-City store at the beginning of this year. The shop's homemade ice creams utilize local ingredients, like organic milk and cream from Clover Organic Farms in Petaluma and cage-free eggs from Chino Valley Ranchers, which makes them psychologically even more delicious. Though classic flavors like Old Fashioned Vanilla or Salted Caramel are hard to pass up, I tend to favor their seasonal treats - like Honey Creamy Goat Cheese or their wonderfully flavorful Ginger. Clearly, a vanilla waffle cone (or two!) is the only way to go.
T-Shirt: Pinup Girl Clothing Pinup Couture I <3 PUG Pink Tee
Candied Cherry and Granola
Vanilla Waffle Cones aplenty.
Salted Caramel and Ginger + a Vanilla Waffle Cone
Honey Creamy Goat Cheese and Ginger + Salted Caramel and Ginger...I don't have a problem...I swear...