
Welcome to my scrumptious, stylish, spooky, happy place!

Candy Corn Pudding Pops

Candy Corn Pudding Pops

When I stumbled upon this Candy Corn Pudding Pop recipe, I couldn't help but recreate it -- the hardest part was my having the patience to wait until the pops were frozen! So simple to put together, the frozen treat essentially tastes like its Halloween candy namesake, and is the perfect frozen treat for these toasty, hey-wait-I-thought-it-was-autumn Los Angeles days!

ShirtTarget (old)
Skirt: Deadly Dames
Kinky Box Skirt in Monster Print
Lips: MAC Pro Longwear Lipcolour in Lasting Lust
Bonlook Keiko Sunglasses in Roxy Noir

Cook's County

Cook's County

Forbidden Rice with Roasted Butternut Squash and Scallops

Forbidden Rice with Roasted Butternut Squash and Scallops